Professional training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
introductory seminar
Bhadrena Tschumi and Kavi Alessandro Gemin
weekend 10 – 11 September 2022
Introduction seminar for the three-year professional training, organized in cooperation with International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing (ICSB). By graduating in this training you will get an internationally valid certificate as BCST, Biodynamic Craniosacral Practitioner.
Contents of the introductory seminar
The introductory seminar introduces the biodynamic craniosacral therapy, foundations of the work and a team of lectors and assistants. This workshop is an integral part of three-year study, but it doesn’t bind you to participate in the whole training. It’s designed so that the participants can decide afterwards whether they are interested in the training or not. The workshop also involves first practical exercises. We will specify here the programme of the training, requirements for participation, conditions for obtaining the certificate and for the entry into the international database.
The craniosacral method works in contact with the forces of health. It is an approach to bodywork based on the principle of the Breath of Life. The Breath of Life is the life force, which connects us to our being, our core and inherent health. It is a therapeutic force expressing itself as slow and self-directed tidal movement. This subtle motion resembles a deep inner breath and is therefore also called primary respiration (PR). It is observed that the motion of primary respiration can be sensed through the whole body and witnessed as an ordering and organizing principle, an inherent intelligence of the body-mind.
To contact and cooperate with the intelligence of primary respiration for the benefit of the client, a practitioner needs to develop a finely tuned perception, a capacity to listen with the hands and with a compassionate, friendly heart, an open non-judgmental mind and an ability to be patient and still. The trained practitioner can perceive primary respiration and use it as a guide to evaluation and treatment.
Contents of the introductory seminar
The introductory seminar introduces the biodynamic craniosacral therapy, foundations of the work and a team of lectors and assistants. This workshop is an integral part of three-year study, but it doesn’t bind you to participate in the whole training. It’s designed so that the participants can decide afterwards whether they are interested in the training or not. The workshop also involves first practical exercises. We will specify here the programme of the training, requirements for participation, conditions for obtaining the certificate and for the entry into the international database.
The craniosacral method works in contact with the forces of health. It is an approach to bodywork based on the principle of the Breath of Life. The Breath of Life is the life force, which connects us to our being, our core and inherent health. It is a therapeutic force expressing itself as slow and self-directed tidal movement. This subtle motion resembles a deep inner breath and is therefore also called primary respiration (PR). It is observed that the motion of primary respiration can be sensed through the whole body and witnessed as an ordering and organizing principle, an inherent intelligence of the body-mind.
To contact and cooperate with the intelligence of primary respiration for the benefit of the client, a practitioner needs to develop a finely tuned perception, a capacity to listen with the hands and with a compassionate, friendly heart, an open non-judgmental mind and an ability to be patient and still. The trained practitioner can perceive primary respiration and use it as a guide to evaluation and treatment.
In this professional training the fundamental principles and concepts are taught and extensively practiced. The teachings include embryology, anatomy, physiology, holistic studies and principles of trauma resolution. The studies of these subjects have the purpose to provide the student with the necessary tools to recognize and support the expression of inherent health of the organism. A practitioner can work with different ages and expressions of health to support maintenance and an inner equilibrium of the organism.
For whom is this training?
It is for bodyworkers, therapists and healing professionals. For interested lay people in a time of reorientation. For anyone interested in self-exploration and inquiry through body-mind-spirit awareness. It is also for craniosacral therapists who want to be trained in the resource-oriented fluid and potency approach.
Foundation training ICSB
The International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing® founded 1986 offers a thorough foundation training, to support and guide students through different stages of learning and development.
The craniosacral model presented in our training, is based on an understanding of the natural life forces, which organize and maintain our form and function. This approach sustains the organism in self-regulation and reorganization and supports the forces that underlie the function of systems.
Our studies over the last 25 years in this field allowed us to deepen the work and expand it to a comprehensive practitioner training, also accredited by the association Cranio Suisse® of Switzerland, with equivalent standards to the craniosacral associations of the UK, USA, Canada and Italy.
For whom is this training?
Všem kdo pracují s tělem, fyzioterapeutům, lékařům a zdravotnickým profesím se zájmem o holistický přístup k tělu. Terapeutům ale i laikům, kteří hledají nový směr. Komukoli, kdo se zajímá o zkoumání sebe sama skrze uvědomění si těla a mysli. Také praktikujícím kraniosakrálním terapeutům, kteří se chtějí zdokonalit v přístupu, orientovaném na zdroje, tekutiny a potenci.
Foundation training ICSB
The International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing® founded 1986 offers a thorough foundation training, to support and guide students through different stages of learning and development. The craniosacral model presented in our training, is based on an understanding of the natural life forces, which organize and maintain our form and function. This approach sustains the organism in self-regulation and reorganization and supports the forces that underlie the function of systems. Our studies over the last 25 years in this field allowed us to deepen the work and expand it to a comprehensive practitioner training, also accredited by the association Cranio Suisse® of Switzerland, with equivalent standards to the craniosacral associations of the UK, USA, Canada and Italy.
Course curriculum
The craniosacral training of ICSB is a comprehensive training program. Three distinctly different parts form the course curriculum:
1) Teaching program (class room hours): craniosacral specific teachings, method specific basic knowledge in embryology, anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology,psychosomatics, trauma resolution, All 500 class room hours.
2) Practice (between seminars): practice sessions between seminars with non-fee paying clients, case studies, supervision feedback sessions/tutorials with teachers/assistants. Receiving sessions from craniosacral practitioners, intervision with peers.
3) Self-studies (between seminars): designated homework, reading of method related specific literature, studies of the course material and method specific anatomy, creative research project – a small thesis.
10 – 11 September 2022 | intro seminar | principles and foundation approaches to biodynamic treatment |
10 – 16 April 2023 | seminar 1 | system of primary respiration as the base manifestation of inherent health and indivator of the state of the body |
10 – 16 July 2023 | seminar 2 | inner neutral as a tool of the therapeutic evaluation and catalyst of client’s healing processes |
9 – 17 December 2023 | seminar 3 | matrix of health, individual history and leveraging them during the healing process |
year 2024 | seminar 4 | mirroring of the whole in the cranial center, uncovering and leveraging of client’s resources in the healing process |
year 2024 | seminar 5 | pharyngeal arches and viscerocranium – meeting the world |
year 2024 | seminar 6 | advanced therapeutic scenarios, healing of stress and trauma |
year 2025 | seminar 7 | multilayered perception, states of dynamic stillness and their use to support the healing process |
year 2025 | seminar 8 | final presentations and exams |
intro seminar
weekend 10 – 11 September 2022
principles and foundation approaches to biodynamic treatment
seminar 1
10 – 16 April 2023
system of primary respiration as the base manifestation of inherent health and indivator of the state of the body
seminar 2
10 – 16 July 2023
inner neutral as a tool of the therapeutic evaluation and catalyst of client’s healing processes
seminar 3
9 – 17 December 2023
matrix of health, individual history and leveraging them during the healing process
seminar 4
year 2024
mirroring of the whole in the cranial center, uncovering and leveraging of client’s resources in the healing process
seminar 5
year 2024
pharyngeal arches and viscerocranium – meeting the world
seminar 6
year 2024
advanced therapeutic scenarios, healing of stress and trauma
seminar 7
year 2025
multilayered perception, states of dynamic stillness and their use to support the healing process
seminar 8
year 2025
final presentations and exams
Preliminary calculation
The price of the training program, i.e. 55 teaching days, is approximately 8724 EUR + VAT (it depends on the current exchange rate of Swiss franc). The payment will be carried out in parts, before each training block: on average that is 1270 EUR + VAT. The deposit 1924 Euro is paid prior to the beginning of the training and serves as the pledge to take part in the whole training. All modules are paid individually, always right before the seminar, at latest. The deposit will be used to pay for the last two modules, if all the prior modules have been fully paid.
The price of exams and graduation seminar is 795 EUR + VAT.
Bhadrena Tschumi, MA, BCST, RCST®
She is the founder and coordinator of ICSB, International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing®. In 1986 she created a unique and comprehensive training program. In the 30 years of experience in the field of therapy and the healing arts her approach in the craniosacral method evolved organically and underwent many different stages to reach the expression in the current training program. She is now teaching the biodynamic approach to craniosacral therapy and integrates the newest understandings of neurobiology, embryology, trauma resolution, pre- and perinatal therapy and the essential work of the Diamond Logos approach in the professional craniosacral trainings of the ICSB.
She is teaching in Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia and India. On her travels she inspired thousands of people and is happy to pass on her passion for Craniosacral Biodynamics.
Kavi Alessandro Gemin, Osteopath, BCST, RCST®
Kavi teaches and practices Craniosacral Balancing® since 1995 and is a teacher and co-director of the International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing®.
He completed additional education as an osteopath and is a member of the Canadian college of Osteopathy. He is supervising trauma trainings for the Somatic Experiencing® Trauma InstituteTM of Peter Levine, he is a teacher for the essence work in the Diamond Logos Teachings® of Faisal Muqaddam and practices prenatal and birth work after studies with Ray Castellino.
Date and place
10 – 11 September 2022
Saturday 9:30 – 17:45, Sunday 9:30 – 17:45
Trojická 10, Praha 2, Czechia
in English with translation to Czech
Price of the seminar
350 EUR
300 EUR if the deposit is paid until 1 September.
After the binding deposit of 100 EUR has been paid